Federal Employees Info
What Deductions Come Out of Your FERS Retirement Benefit?
Discover what deductions are taken from your gross FERS income. Deduction information for both current and retired federal employees.
2025 Social Security COLA Increase: Latest Estimate at 2.5%
Get ready for the 2025 Social Security COLA increase! Experts estimate a 2.5% boost, as inflation cools. The official announcement is expected mid-October.
FERS Retirement Information: Federal Employees’ Unused Sick Leave
Maximize your FERS retirement by converting unused sick leave into a credit. Learn about the use of sick leave and check out our calculators for feds.
Federal Employee Retirement Seminars: Online Training Workshop for FERS
Join our FREE live online retirement training workshops for federal employees! Learn about the FERS pension, the TSP, Social Security, FEHB, and more!
Federal Employees and Retirees: Medicare Part D for FEHB Enrollees
What Federal Employees and Retirees need to know when it comes to Medicare Part D and the FEHB (federal employee health benefits) program.
2025 GS Pay Scale | Estimating the General Schedule Pay Table
With 2.0% federal pay raise looking more like a certainty, the 2025 GS Pay Scale table for federal employees can be accurately estimated.