Federal Employees Info

What is the Best Age to take Social Security? Pros & Cons of Starting Earlier or Later
What is the Best Age to take Social Security? Pros & Cons of Starting Earlier or Later This article aims to assist retirees in determining

Federal Employees: CSRS & FERS Survivor Benefits for Retirement
Federal Employees: Understanding CSRS & FERS Survivor Benefits for Retirement The complexities of planning for retirement can be daunting for federal employees, particularly when it

The Impact of Government Pension Offset on Your Retirement Benefits
Understanding the Impact of Government Pension Offset on Your Retirement Benefits When planning for retirement, it’s crucial to consider various factors that could impact the

Understanding Your FEHB Coverage as a Survivor Annuitant: Continuing Federal Benefits
Understanding Your FEHB Coverage as a Survivor Annuitant: Continuing Federal Benefits As a federal employee, it is crucial to have a good understanding of your

What are the Biggest Financial Considerations When Retiring from a Federal Career?
What are the Biggest Financial Considerations When Retiring from a Federal Career? When do you know you have enough to retire? And are you ready?

Help! I Changed My Mind About Taking Social Security Benefit: How to Suspend and Restart for a Higher Amount
Changed Your Mind About Taking Social Security Early? Here Are Your Options Social Security Retirement Benefit is an integral part of retirement planning for federal