Federal Employees Info

SECURE 2.0: Age 60-63 Catch-Up Contribution Provision & Limits
SECURE Act 2.0: Supercharging Retirement Savings for Those Age 60-63 The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act 2.0, signed into law in

TSP Withdrawal Options: Installments, Payments, and Annuities
Understanding TSP Withdrawal Options: Installments, Payments, and Annuities The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) offers federal employees and members of the uniformed services a robust retirement

HCFSA vs HSA: How Health Savings Account Compare to Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
HCFSA vs HSA: Options on Healthcare Savings Healthcare costs can be a significant financial burden for many individuals and families. Fortunately, options are available to

Complete Guide to Federal Law Enforcement Retirement (FERS LEO)
Complete Guide to the Federal Law Enforcement Retirement The following information is meant to be an exhaustive explanation of the FERS pension. The intention is

Federal Retirement High-3 and How to Calculate
Understanding Your Federal Retirement: Calculating Your High-3 Salary for FERS Pension Planning for federal retirement is a critical step for any federal employee looking to

Federal Retirement Newsletter
Sign Up for the Federal Retirement Newsletter You can expect up-to-date news and topics that federal employees find useful in preparing for retirement. That may