Federal Employees and Retirees: Medicare Part D for FEHB Enrollees
What Federal Employees and Retirees need to know when it comes to Medicare Part D and the FEHB (federal employee health benefits) program.
2025 GS Pay Scale | Estimating the General Schedule Pay Table
With 2.0% federal pay raise looking more like a certainty, the 2025 GS Pay Scale table for federal employees can be accurately estimated.
TSP Mutual Fund Window Use is Below Estimates
Examining the underwhelming use of the TSP mutual fund window after opening in June 2022. Also checking in on the core funds’ recent performance.
Benefit Information for NAF Federal Employees
NAF (non-appropriated funds) employees are federal employees but not subject to OPM’s employment rules like other jobs available at US federal agencies.
Inside the Thrift Savings Plan: Are TSP Loans Taxed Twice?
Here are some insights on repaying TSP loans and the tax implications for federal employees. Is it true that taking TSP loans incurs double taxation?
Federal Retirement Planning: How the FERS Supplement is Taxed
How the FERS supplement is taxed during your federal retirement. Learn key details about this important benefit, the special retirement supplement.